7 Ways to Keep a Check on Stress

BENGALURU: STRESS! It would have been very lovely for one and all if the word, in reality remained confined to its relevance in physics. But alas! We are all susceptible to stress at a mental and emotional levels. On the good side, stress is essential to get us going, to appreciate the light side. Yet it often manifest as the tick of a bomb; when one reaches the breaking point unable to get along. Sources of stress perhaps outnumber the types of stress itself and prolonged stress causes fatigue. Here are some remedies that could help reduce stress. After all, it is about releasing it out.

Touch, hug or cuddle

Touch serves a deeper purpose than mere sensation. Apart from the fact that it enhances relationship and bonding; being intimate, be it in friendship or relationship, helps relax the body and ultimately the psyche.

Talk it out

Engage in casual talk with the ones around, phone a friend, exchange some pretty words, share situations, get consoled and before you know it you’d be feeling better. And don’t hesitate to go the extra mile, swear it out if you have to, in private. Turn the stress build up into harsh vocals; just make sure you wouldn’t end up in anyone’s weirdo list. Or bring out your humorous self, crack the lamest of the jokes even if it makes others cry. Laugh out loud. Or least of all, watch something funny or inspiring.

Dance it out

Let music do the healing; engage in your own moves. Attend concerts at times to shake of the stress. Sing out loud in the shower. For the record, showering has shown to reduce stress levels. Don’t hesitate to harness the synergic benefits of singing and dancing in the shower.


Or should we say sweat it out? While working out, the body releases endorphins which interact with the receptors in your brain that trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. Exercise can also mean jogging or playing your favorite sport. You would get the added benefit of keeping the body fit. Yoga and meditation are also good initiatives to counter stress.

Cuddle a pet

Animals cannot fake love. They make for a perfect companion, especially dogs. Studies have shown that dog owners are much less stressed than those who do not own a dog. Who would not want to be greeted by a tail wagging buddy after a long day’s work. As a matter of fact, it is something you could look forward to everyday after a rather tiring work schedule.

Identify stress factors

Acknowledging that you are constantly affected by stress is a big step forward in combating it. You may even need assistance from a professional. Maintain a stress journal – write it off, reserve a time for facing it and letting it go for you wouldn’t have to endure it all day. Find ways to identify and work around those stress factors. There are plenty of apps and web resources to streamline stress reduction initiative.

Pursue creative hobbies

One of the main reason people get stressed out is due to the inability to engage in their passions amidst a busy life. Avoid passive entertainment (not that they don’t help reduce stress) and simulate your talent. Painting/coloring, for instance has shown to provide color therapy. Learn to play an instrument or cooking or code an app; the possibilities are limitless. Gaming, with its ‘rewarding’ strategy instills a sense of accomplishment.

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