10 Most Influential People Who Never Walked The Earth

Sherlock Holmes



The brilliance of this detective is largely admired for his logical reasoning,  use of forensic science to break down hard clues and his talent to disguise himself into anything. Unfortunately, to our expense the man who so cleverly won hearts with his ingenuity is but a fictional character that goes by the name   Sherlock Holmes.


Santa Claus



The name Santa Claus rings a pleasant memory for those who were at best behaviors nearing Christmas just so that they could  wake up to find gifts they were longing for wrapped under the Christmas tree.

The very getup of this healthy old man was just the thing to light up the room. His silver beard hanging long over his red suit ,his big red sack bag swaying from left to right whilst he shook ‘ his belly like a pot full of jelly’ as he cheerfully wished his surrounding in his signature style “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!”

 And even though the story of Saint Nicholas has creatively been hyped to meet our fancy, who would dare to question his existence of what’s fictional and what’s real. After all, it did a great deal of good in our childhood and hopefully will follow through for a long time.

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