10 Photographs That Have Captured The Woes Of Children

BANGALORE: What happens to a budding flower that is caught in the mirror of chaos and destruction?

We would probably have an answer if we didn’t eliminate the life of its frail existence. While pictures are a testimony of our actions…of the very life we’ve lived, it also proves evident of the many lives we’ve taken.  

The Induced greed in our inhumane ambition has taken a toll on innocent offspring’s for the worst and as the cycle of events never fail to meet our gaze the very actions that staples itself to the lack of humanity  will soon manifest to meet our downfall.

Here are 10 photographs of children that have faced the consequence of our actions. Pictures  taken in dire moments that linger lifelong, in question of our morality… ‘Is this  what we want to remember, have failed to do or is this just the people we’ve become’.


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