Modi 15th, In Forbes List of Powerful People for 2015

# 9 Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Cofounders—Google:

Sergey Brin and Larry PageBrin and Page together stand as 9th most powerful people in the world. Google has redefined the post industrial era and became a member of ‘the holy trinity’ of the digital age with Apple and Microsoft.

Google is not a mere search giant any longer; it is one of the most common verbs used by people today. Need to know something? ‘Google It’. Sergey Brin and Larry Page together have the power to shape how the world plays and works.

# 8 Mario Draghi, President of European Central Bank:

Nicknamed ‘Super Mario’ of the European economy he lives up to his nick name. President Draghi is responsible for maintaining financial unity across 18 countries. Having held his role with ECB since 2011, Draghi understood the economical structure of all countries he warned euro zone leaders that slipping into a recession was possible if a detailed timetable of reforms was not completed. He encouraged them to boost investment and start immediate improvements.

Draghi is a man who is constantly tiptoeing in the monetary minefields and one false step from this powerful man can threaten the foreseeable future of the Euro Zone countries.

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