Mobile Phones, Chowmein, Short Skirts: Things That Cause Rape In India?

Manohar Lal Sharma:

The lawyer, Manohar Lal Sharma representing three of the men charged with the gang rape and murder of a medical student aboard a moving bus in New Delhi has blamed the victims for the assault and claimed that he has never heard of a “respected lady” being raped in India.

“Even an underworld don would not like to touch a girl with respect,” Sharma added.

His comments come at a time when the entire country has reacted with outrage on the brutal crime of the medical student. Sharma said the male companion of the murdered 23- year-old was “wholly responsible” for the incident as the unmarried couple should not have been on the streets at night.

Satyapal Singh:

Former Mumbai Police Commissioner turned politicians, Satyapal Singh  in the wake of the gang-rape of a young photographer gave a controversial remark by suggesting that it is upto people to choose between a "promiscuous culture" that allows public kissing, or a city made safe by "moral policing".

He also claimed that “Countries with sex education in their curriculum only have an increased number of crimes against women,” reports Indian Express.

Also Read:
India Comes Third After U.S. And Brazil In Rape Cases, Second In Murder: UN Survey