Why Is Modi Constantly Attacking Congress?

Bangalore:  Modi’s attacks on congress are getting severe day by day. Modi’s harsh criticisms on PM and the government have become a headache for congress now. The Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s attacks are mainly focused on government’s insufficiency and deteriorating economic condition. “PM lacks vision”, “government makes false promises”, “government should stop painting rosy picture”, “Indira Gandhi wasn’t secular”, Modi’s comments on the congress government go on this way. Though much of his comments have become controversial he doesn’t seem like caring much about the controversies. Some even claim that Modi’s regular attacks on the central government are looking at the ambitious Prime Minister post.

In an interview published by TOI, the controversial leader said, “Firstly, the government should stop painting a rosy picture. If the prime minister accepts the reality, he can find an answer. But the problem is that he does not believe in what he is doing. He is not able to take even those decisions made by him to their logical end."

He keeps calling congress a feeble government and criticizes the insufficiency of Manmohan Singh. He says that central government always interrupts the foreign investments in his state. Modi said "They (the Centre) don't want the state government to perform and they place hurdles. This is naturally making the investor jittery. They (investors) want to work with state governments, but the Centre is playing the obstructionist."

Modi also condemned the government over the constant fall of rupees against dollar. He alleged that there is conspiracy behind this rupees fall and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh must answer why it is falling constantly.