Top 10 Countries with Best Civil Justice

2 Netherlands
Score 0.80
Netherlands is the second most effective with its civic justice in the world. It also ranks high among the top countries for the absence of corruption and has an open government. The country’s overall judicious regulation environment is efficient and transparent. The country courts are easily accessible and free from inappropriate influence. Due respect is given to the law process in German criminal courts which outperform most countries. The issue the country needs to work on is with the labour market discrimination.

1 Norway
Score 0.82
Norway is the leader in civil justice, ranked number one on the civil justice index. It also ranks among the top 10 countries with the absence of corruption and has an effective government.  The government is open and accountable in Norway. The system in the court functions independently and is devoid of improper influence. However the processing of cases in the court isn’t as fast as in other regions. The perceived problems in the country are discrimination against foreigners and ethnic minorities.

The nations justice leagues play an important role in the lives of its people and it is eminent that the both the people and government work together to employ a supreme judicious system.

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