India Comes Above All Developed Countries in These Feats

BENGALURU: The Indian economy is still considered to be in the developing stages, and yet there are certain areas where the country has already beaten global players. While we are still largely a developing country, there are certain areas where we stand far above the developed nations, according to

India Is The Second Largest IT Industry In The World:

India has seen its share of boom in the IT Industry since the past decade or so and it’s still growing by an alarming rate which is only second to China. What’s even better is that, in about another five years, we will take over China and sit tight on the number one spot.

Nuclear Assets (Weapons and Reactors):

In the short span of 66 years of its independence, India has made itself capable with nuclear warheads and is still growing in that sector. We rank number one in the development of thorium-based fast breeder reactors; we also have 21 nuclear reactors in operation in 7 nuclear power plants, having an installed capacity of 5780 MW. Six more reactors are under construction. According to the Federation of American Scientists, India has an estimated backlog of 75-110 nuclear weapons.

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