Forget Superheroes! These Real People Possess Extraordinary Abilities

BANGALORE: Have you ever dreamed about having super powers?  Most likely if you are anything like me you have fantasized about having extraordinary abilities such as super strength or moving objects with your mind.

Special abilities go far beyond what many savants are doing today, and science has been studying these abilities for decades, despite the fact that the results are not always emphasized by mainstream academia.

Let’s have a look at some of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities:

11. Kevin Richardson

Have you ever had a chat with a lion? No, but this man does. Kevin Richardson is a south african animal behaviorist who had been accepted into several lion prides and clans of hyenas.

He has broken almost every safety rule in the book and says he focuses more on intuition than traditional knowledge when it comes to his interactions with these wild animals.

Imagine a world where we all lived in harmony with the animals around us.