10 Things Every Indian Should Know About India

Indian railway network:

Indian railway is one of the world's largest railway networks comprising 115,000 km of track over a route of 65,436 km and 7,172 stations.

In 2013-14, IR carried 8,425 million passengers annually or more than 23 million passengers daily that is more than Australia’s entire population (22.68 million).

Indian Railways is the world's ninth largest commercial or utility employer, by number of employees, with over 1.307 million employees. Vivek Express trains, the one from Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari; is the longest route on the Indian Railways network, in terms of distance and time.

Mobile phones more than toilets:

India alone is responsible for 60% of the global population lacking access to basic sanitation. About half of its 1.2 billion residents are mobile subscribers, but only 366 million people have access to toilets.

India is the second-largest mobile phone user with over 900 million users in the world with 875.48 million mobile subscribers but less than 31 per cent of Indian population has access to sanitation facilities.

People in India squat on roadsides, in agriculture fields or at railway tracks and defecate in the open.

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