10 Specimens That Define The Grandeur of Indian Arts and Handicrafts

Warli Art From 2500 BC

Warli Art

We are familiar with Warli art on the walls, bed sheets, trees and even in the beautiful rangolis in front of South Indian houses. What we did not know is that Warli’s origins go back to 2500 B.C. It is unbelievably tough to believe that an art that was invented millions of years ago still appeals the 21st century generation.

The British Museum has around 1000 South Indian paintings

South Indian Paintings

The mighty British couldn’t be more surprised when they first encountered the bright South Indian paintings that they had to preserve them in their museum. In 2007 the museum marked the 60 years of Indian Independence by showcasing 1000 South Indian Paintings. It was indeed hard for the west to believe how advanced was the Indian school of art.

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