10 Reasons Why The World Will Be Amazing In 2050

Extinction of Life-Taking Diseases

Ads asking equal opportunities and status for HIV positive people in the society will be things of the past because this and many more dangerous diseases will be curable. Numerous diseases which take a number of human lives every year like cancer, hepatitis, and recently erupted Ebola will not exist by 2050. Medical science will be equipped with all sorts of innovation to deal successfully with these types of diseases.

Electronic Immortal Human

Google is working on artificial intelligence which will provide humans to transfer their mind inside a robot or computer. If this is successful, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the hottest topic and human mind will live inside a machine for forever. It is predictable that this technology might be created by 2050.

Death to Migration for Work

According to a survey, world’s biggest cities are not affordable for poor people due to high standards of living. But such reports will not emerge in 2050 because there will be no more poor countries by then. If the poor countries continue to show the same rate of development in coming years, then by 2050, poverty will fall from about 21 percent in 2005 to less than 2.5 percent.

Read More: Google Keen To Help PM Modi's "Digital India" Initiative