10 of the Most Visited Attractions in the World

BENGALURU: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart,” said the Chinese philosopher Confucious. Travel does not have a definite end, it re-defines your life and is unfathomable. The objective behind travelling is to get away from routine and travelling is very enlightening most of the times. There are innumerable places in the world for us to visit. But our lifetime might not suffice to even visit 2 percent of all the places. Considering our boring busy lives, we might not find time to even visit our own country thoroughly.

However, in case you have the time and money and are willing to travel, here are the ten most visited attractive places in the world, as listed by Yahoo Travel. Pay a visit to one of these places, for it is definitely worth the time and money.Let us find out the factors that attract millions of travelers to these places.

Do Some Shopping in Kapali Carci in Istanbul:

Kapali Carci in Turkish means ‘Grand Bazaar.’ Istanbul is one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world. Grand Bazaar IstanbulThe market which is spread across 61 covered streets has over 3000 shops. This market is visited by around 2, 50,000 to 4, 00,000 visitors on an average daily. Experience the authenticity of the Ottoman architecture as you step into the market itself. Kapali Carci’s construction dates back to 1455-56. Enjoy the aroma of the Turkish perfumes and relish the Kebabs as you walk along the streets. The 500 year old market is a marvelous piece of Ottoman architecture.

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