10 Most Expensive Divorce Settlements Ever

Bangalore:  ‘A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there’s less of you” as said by Margaret Atwood, is a very true and a popular saying. The concept of being split after wedlock brings pain to any person unless the intention of any one partner is different. Some divorces take place due to ‘abuse’ and some s just mere ‘use.
 American Comic actor and two-time divorcé Robin Williams described divorce aptly: "Ah, yes, divorce...From the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet." On other occasions he has referred to it as "circumcision with a weed whacker.” These quotes can clearly show how painful and tragic divorces are. We have seen many divorce cases in the recent past but who has paid the most? Read below to get the complete list compiled by cnbc.

10. Michael Jordan and Juanita Jordan

Settlement amount : $168 million

This happened after 17 years of their marriage. Basketball legend Michael Jordan and his then wife Juanita split in the year 2006 and a year later, they came up with a divorce settlement of $168 million. The couple decided to divorce in the year 2002 but later reconciled their decision. The final divorce settlement which Michael had to pay, apart from the cash payout also included, the couple's seven-acre beautiful estate in Chicago and custody of their three children to his wife.