10 Longest Rail and Road Tunnels in India

BENGALURU: The second largest road network in the world and the world’s seventh largest commercial or utility employer, by number of employees; India has a huge a history of transportation and it’s engineering. Roads and rail network in India is one of the largest transport networks in the world. Bridges and tunnels play a major role in the connectivity across the country, compiles Walk Through India.

India is a subcontinent where the northern frontiers of India are defined largely by the Himalayan mountain range, while the Deccan Plateau occupies most of southern India. There are huge geographical differences between different regions with in the country which makes it hard to travel across the country. But the marvelous engineering of tunnel and bridges fills this gap and makes travelling across the country much easier and safer. Here is the list of 10 longest rail and road tunnels of India.

Longest Railway Tunnels in India:

Pir Panjal Tunnel

The Pir Panjal Tunnel is one of the longest railway tunnel, which is under construction at the Pir Panjal Range of Himalayas in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It is the India’s longest and Asia’s second longest railway tunnel that stretches over 11 km. This tunnel is almost done and the trail run was successful so far.

Karbude Tunnel

The Karbude tunnel is 6.5 km, which makes the longest rail tunnel in India before Pir Panjal tunnel. This is located on the Konkan railway route near Ratnagiri in Maharashtra and is situated between Ukshi and Bhoke station.
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