Respect Us As Women Off-Screen: Deepika Padukone

MUMBAI: Deepika Padukone says she has an issue when people "propagate objectification of a real person and not a character being played" and wants them to "respect" artists as women off-screen.

Ever since she condemned a photo titled "OMG: Deepika Padukone's Cleavage Show" on Twitter, saying: "YES! I am a Woman. I have breasts AND a cleavage! You got a problem!!??", this has invited comments from all quarters - some favorable, others not so.

Setting the record straight and clarifying her point of view, the actress Friday issued a statement on her official Facebook page. Her post is titled - “There is only ONE sign that a woman wants to have sex and that is that she says “YES”.

“The reason I write the above line is because we all know that in India we are so desperately trying to make a change in the way sections of our society think in order to move towards a happier world devoid of inequality, rape, fear and pain.”

“I am not naive about my own profession; it is one that requires lots of demanding things of me. A character may demand that I be clothed from head to toe or be completely naked, and it will be my choice as an actor whether or not I take either. Understand that this is a ROLE and not REAL, and it is my job to portray whatever character I choose to play convincingly.”

Alia Is A Star And I Don't Work With Stars: Mahesh Bhatt

Source: IANS