Top Trending Business Communication Ideas for 2015

The Internet of Things (IoT)

Wouldn’t it be great if you could go online to check if the gas in your house is switched off?  Or if you’re alarm clock could ring according to your appointment book? A lot of the pesky little problems that consume our mental energy at work can be solved with the ‘Internet of Things’; the latest version of the internet. The ‘things’ will consist of smart sensors, data analyzers, wearable devices and more. The possibilities are infinite, but so far the most talked about innovations have been for domestic purposes.  So keep a look out for cool IoT based business tools in 2015.

The Growth of WebRTC

WebRTC is the protocol that enables Real Time communication between web browsers and mobile apps seamlessly, without needing to install plug-ins or other connector apps. It facilitates the sharing of files, audio, text and video chat and is the basis for quality communication via the World Wide Web. Companies with consumer facing web sites and eCommerce portals, will be able to use WebRTC to execute click-to-call functionality- this would reduce toll free calling costs; as well as lock in on a customer who needs persuading to make a  purchase.

It’s a well known saying in the business world that the market leader in any industry is never the first to explore revolutionary business technologies. There are some exceptions; top FMCG Company Proctor and Gamble embraced social media and doubled their lead. So if you’re looking for something that will help you beat the completion, start exploring.

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