This Comic Book Is The World's Most Expensive At $3 Million

Adams will be taking a page out of the Metropolis Marvel's playbook and plans to donate 1 per cent of his proceeds to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, which is dedicated to helping the treatment and research of spinal-cord injuries and paralysis.

Christopher Reeve famous played Superman in the 1970s and '80s.

"The idea of sitting at $2-million was never really a risk in my mind," Adams said. "Too many people have such an interest in this book." "I actually held it for a few years -- I was so excited about this book. Most books have a history...but this book was totally off the grid, and nobody knew about it till I made it known," he added.

Adams's copy was particularly well preserved because the original owner kept it in a cedar chest at high altitude in the mountains of West Virginia after purchasing it from a newsstand in 1938. It remained there until he died, and was later sold to Adams for a seven-figure sum.

Superman was created in 1933 by two Cleveland teenagers, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, but they sold the rights to DC Comics for just $130, receiving $10 for each page they drew.

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Source: PTI