Industries That Will Be Obsolete By 2020

3. The Paper Industry

The paper business may not ever vanish totally, but the new entrepreneurs believe it will become almost obsolete by 2020 due to digitization of everything. The major users of paper for direct mail printing, cash and bills after payment are also predicted to be the industries in decline.

4. Home Phones

Landlines phone connections are a thing of the past and will surely disappear by 2020. As online collaboration tools have become more common place, many offices will not rely on landlines to provide separate extensions for employees anymore.

It’s already an eyebrow-raising phenomenon to see someone who does not own a mobile phone. Soon, admitting to having a landline will elicit the same response! 

5. Mobile Phones

Twenty years ago, mobile phones were thought of as ‘portable computers’. But a decade later, the invention of Smartphones made mobile phone a ‘portable medium for internet access’.

The manufacturers committed to producing and providing support infrastructure to non-smart mobile phones is already declining fast in the US. This will soon spread globally. All data will be just data, with no distinctions between phone and internet data. Companies are making this shift very quickly.

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