Hitachi Solutions Expands To Expand Operations In India

Hitachi Solutions India began operation in July 2013 and today employs close to 250 people in Chennai and Hyderabad.

Gillis said that Hitachi Solutions India is set to collaborate with more universities and colleges in India to tap software talent for long-term expansion.

The company's software talent incubation programme in collaboration with the Chennai-based Anna University and its two colleges as well as a business school has been popular.

Hitachi Solutions India has to date recruited 50 people under the incubation programme which is conducted on campus through a nine-month teaching period.

"We are doing software development but most importantly we are looking at sustainability of capability. Skills are always in short supply in the market," he said.

"That is why we have these university incubation programmes where we teach in the universities and colleges for nine months. We invest time in incubating talent in the university," he added.

Gillis said Hitachi Solutions long-term plan for India is to have centres and collaborations with universities across the main regions.

The two executives, along with the group's to management executives, launched Hitachi Solutions America's Asia Pacific subsidiary in Singapore yesterday night.

The Singapore subsidiary will enable expansion into the Asia Pacific markets covering manufacturing, financial services, professional services among others, said Subhramanian.
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Source: PTI