Here's What Teens Buy The Most


When it comes to clothing and dressing, each one of us wants to look the best. Everything these days is more about labels and the brands. It has become craze and a new mantra of the youth.

Brand consciousness is one of the major characters of the upcoming youth that leads them to spend hugely for it. Teens are willing to spend any amount on brands when it comes to clothes, shoes, cosmetics, eatables, accessories, and gadgets.

Brands like Nike, Forever 21, and those associated with action sports – think Volcom, Hurley, O’Neill, are the top buys for teens. Teens are also quite interested in sportswear and lifestyle clothing that is fairly affordable, as well as clothing that helps suggest or establish some sort of identity.

Designer fashions are not just for celebrities and the red carpet, they're finding their way into classrooms and hallways as teenagers seek out glamorous trends.

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