Here Are The 10 Richest Corporations In The World

JP Morgan Chase: An American multinational banking institution and holdings company, JP Morgan is the third largest corporation in the world with an asset of $2.515 trillion. It has branches across the globe providing banking services throughout, which is just one division of the huge company. The current status of the company is from the merger between JP Morgan Company and the Chase Manhattan Company. This company is one of the largest banking and investment services in the world at present.

Bank of China: It looks like the Chinese companies are ruling the list with the addition of the Bank of China which is also part of the ‘Big Four’ state-owned companies. This is the country’s oldest corporation set up back in 1908. The company has been split with a Taiwanese based corporation but it still is one of the largest corporations in the world with $2.3 trillion in assets.

Agriculture Bank of China: It is pretty impressive when the four largest banks in China happen to be on the list of the largest and richest corporations in the world. It only radiates the amount of dedication and hard work it took for the country to establish these banks. This bank used to be a state-owned subsidiary bank but is not a state-controlled commercial bank. This is an impressive transformation. This bank is one of the largest corporations for investments, fund management, life insurance and leasing. It has a total asset of $2.4 trillion.

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