Fast Food Chains McDonald's, KFC in Food Safety Scandal

In addition, the report also revealed that OSI group was having two sets of record books and in the video, a former inspection staff is explaining to the reporter that one set of the recor book is for inspectors and one for internal use.

McDonald's said in a statement, "McDonald's has zero tolerance for any malpractices and we abide strictly by all laws and regulations with strict standards for ourselves and for all suppliers,", "There is no compromise to the well-being and food safety standards that Chinese consumers have come to expect from us".  

Yum China released a comparable statement on its Weibo account, stating that all OSI-supplied meat products will be removed from its shelves. According to SMG's official Weibo account, Gu Zhenhua, the deputy chief at the government's Shanghai Food Safety Committee, and his team were faced with a 90-minute standoff, before letting into the factory for an inspection at OSI. This report went viral on the internet in China, causing anger.

Nearly 8,000 comments were left on Phoenix TV's website, "The news said the supplier also supplies for Pizza Hut, 7-11, Burger King, Subway and Ikea. We can't eat anything now," one comment said.

One of the comments said,"Many Chinese believe foreign brands have stringent food safety, but they are the biggest purchasers of problematic food! Where's the quality control? They have to be fined heavily”.  Other comments criticized the entire foreign fast-food industry.

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