Modi's Foreign Policy: Good Beginning In Protecting Core National Interests

BANGALORE: Narendra Modi's visit to Nepal, the first by an Indian prime minister in 17 years, has received kudos from all stakeholders and commentators on both sides of the border and, most importantly for India, from the public in Nepal.

What is far more important than the agreements signed or aid promised is the broad vision that was unfolded by the prime minister, of the commitment of his government to take India-Nepal relations to a higher plane, with respect for Nepal's sovereignty, and it's equality in partnership regardless of the asymmetry in size, to never interfere in Nepal's internal affairs, and to promote meaningful cooperation guided by trust and friendship.

While two-and-a-half months into governance is admittedly too short a time-frame to make informed judgments, enough has taken place in the realm of India's international relations to try and assess what core principles guide the prime minister. At the very outset, then Prime Minister-designate Modi invited the SAARC heads of government to his swearing in ceremony. A masterstroke this; in one fell swoop he highlighted the overriding importance India gave to its neighbours, underlined his commitment to SAARC as a vehicle for regional cooperation

(deliberately overlooking its woefully inadequate record so far) and brought the Pakistan prime minister here, not as a visiting superstar as was the policy of Manmohan Singh's UPA, but firmly in a regional template.

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Source: IANS