8 Successful Companies That Weren't The Same When They Started

Bangalore: We might have come across many companies that have been successful for many decades. It could be due to the products or services they sell, or probably because of successful investors.

Apart from that there are few companies that have some of the most inspiring stories to tell. They were started as something else than what they are existing today. Let’s take a quick look at those companies as listed by Paula Andruss from Entrepreneur.com.

1. Twitter

 Twitter is one of the famous micro blogging service and a social media. It might sound unique but the fact is that “Twitter” was an idea of an undergraduate student Dorsey from New York University where he introduced the SMS service which an individual can use to communicate within a small group. Earlier this idea was not that clear and the founder had to strive really had to decide on whether it was a social networking site or a micro blogging site. Gradually this idea took the form of site named “Twitter” that was launched in 2006. It grew rapidly over the years with around 400,000 tweets posted per quarter . By 2012, the number of registered users was around 500 million.

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