5 Simple Ideas That Made Millionaires

4. Microwaveable Pillows

Stunned by hearing “Microwaveable Pillows”? Yes there are. Kim Levine invented Wuvit, little bags that come in various patterns and provide soothing penetrating moist heat. Kim realized that if she put some corn in cloth, sewed it together and then put it in the microwave; a warm relaxing pillow would be created. She created the simple product idea with her sewing machine and her multi-million dollar empire was born!

Initially, Kim thought the Wuvit concept would just be great gift for her kids and for people in her local area. But later she realized her idea had a huge potential. Thus she started going to local retailers and craft shows, and then eventually got a major break when Saks Department Store decided to put the Wuvit products in their stores! Now she is a millionaire and has even written a book about her retail endeavors!

5. My Space layouts

A teenage girl who had a flair for the creative set up a site called “Whatever Life to offer layouts for MySpace and free tutorials”. Her numbers are extraordinary now. The 17 year- old high school dropout has made more than $1 million. She earns as much as $70K a month, and owns a website that attracts more than 7 million monthly visitors and 60 million page views.
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