10 Unknown Facts About The World's Biggest Brands

World War I and BMW

After the defeat of Germany in World War I, all the aircraft making companies were asked to stop production like an unsaid ‘close down’. This was one of many terms in Versailles Armistice Treaty; with this BMW which was originally an aircraft manufacturer was in fix and looking at huge losses facing bankruptcy that is when the idea to turn into a motorcycle manufacturer was taken. In 1928, the company started to make cars and the insignia etched on its vehicles is a tribute to its ‘Aviation Heritage’.


John Pemberton an injured Confederate Colonel, created a drink as a substitute for his morphine addiction and named it French Wine Coca, a nerve tonic. In 1886, Atlanta passed a prohibition legislation, which forced Pemberton to redo the formula of his drink to make it non-alcoholic, which he named Coca Cola, the drink the that we love.
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