The Most Useless Gadgets Ever Invented

# iTypewriter: The iTypewriter is the most preposterous accessory you’ll ever find for your iPad. This concept designed by Austin Yang enables the user to enjoy the feeling of an old school typewriter. Every time a user presses the keys of the typewriter, a rubber pad with a metal arm on the other end with the iPad attached, touches the virtual keyboard and types the exact same letters. The iTypewriter would be useful for the elderly people who are not used to typing on the device.

# Useless Box: The Useless Box is the most ludicrous gadget of all time, which performs no useful task as such. This is just an electronic gadget with only one function–turn on and off. The useless box works with two AA batteries, after that just the switch on the gadget. Though nothing happens, a metal rod comes from the inside and switches the device off. This is its only function and it is one of the silliest gadgets in the list. 

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