9 Tech Skills That Will No More Get You a Job

#8 Adobe Flash Developer/Designer

Flash ruled the roost, thanks to the internet bubble. At that time it really did help with fat pays for Web developers, app developers and designers who relied on Adobe Flash to create interactive features. Currently, Adobe Flash's future, particularly on mobile - is quickly drying up. In addition to it, the tech legends comment about why Flash is not a part of iOS. In April 2010, Steve Jobs, the co-founder and then-chief executive officer of Apple Inc. published an open letter explaining why Apple wouldn't allow Flash on the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. In the letter he blamed the "openness", the stability, the security and the performance of the Flash Player as reasons for refusing to support it. He also claimed that when one of Apple's Macintosh computers crashes, "more often than not" the cause can be attributed to Flash. Additionally, he described Flash as "buggy", and that "Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice," and that "Flash is no longer necessary to watch video or consume any kind of web content." He also described Flash's performance and security as sub-standard.

Thanks to it all, a larger number of websites are relying on HTML than Adobe Flash for streaming their videos or offering online games.

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