6 Awesome Things You Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do

Siri # Use Siri Hands-Free And Switch On “LED Flash” For Alerts

Want to use Siri on your iPhone without holding the Home button? Here’s a simple method to do that. Just go to Settings, General, Siri and switch on Enable Hey Siri. Now that the Siri can recognize Indian accent too, it gets all the more easier to search the web.

Secondly you can also use the iPhone’s camera flash for notifications like calls, Messages and reminder alerts. All you have to do is, go to settings, General, Accessibility and scroll down to turn on “LED flash for alerts”.

Head Gestures # Control The iPhone By Moving Your Head

Control the iPhone with your Head? Can you really do that? Apparently you can by just enabling some settings on the phone. You just need to go to settings, General, Accessibility and then scroll down to Interaction subhead and tap "Switch Control”. After that click on "Switches" and "Add New Switch." Then select "Camera" and choose "Left Head Movement" or "Right Head Movement."

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