5 Smartphone Apps Every Young Professional Needs

We’ve all heard about LinkedIn, but not many of us know just how powerful it can be on your phone.

With the LinkedIn app on your Smartphone, professionals can indulge in smarter meetings, as they will be able to access background information without spending several minutes on Google. For those looking for a job, the LinkedIn app can be crucial application for establishing a personal connection with those who are interviewing you, which could make or break a potential opportunity.

Finally, if you are, in fact, looking for a job, you’ll want to be sure you have Jobr installed on your Smartphone. Termed as the trending app for job seekers this application allows users to sync with their LinkedIn profile and curate those findings on to the job boards. Additionally Jobr also lets users creates a profile based on their LinkedIn profile, and from there, users can swipe right or left on jobs they might be interested in.
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