10 Most Anticipated Features Of Next Android, Key Lime Pie

#6 Built-in video conferencing

Google’s rivals in the mobile operating space; Apple, Microsoft and BlackBerry offer built-in video conferencing support on their devices. However, currently, it is not integrated into the Android operating system. But Google will reportedly be integrating built-in video conferencing to the upcoming Android 5.0.

#5 Line-drawing keyboard options

Manufacturers like HTC and Sony have taken a big leap over the search giant by offering their own Swype style of line-drawing text input, which is a good option to get words onto a telephone. Hopefully, Google is integrating clever alternate text entry options into their keyboards starting from Key Lime Pie.

#4 Multi-select in the contacts

Even though the Android contacts is quite useful, it could be managed a little better. The upcoming Android Key Lime Pie makes it easier with a sort of checkbox system where the users can scroll through names and create a mailing list on the fly through the contacts listed in the phone. In fact, it could make emailing or texting easier.

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