
08.15AM - 09.00AM: Registration, Conversations & Connections

09.00 AM – 09.45 AM: Keynote Session
APTs: The changing Threat landscape
Anand Prahlad, Vice President-Engineering - R&D Center, McAfee

09.45 AM – 10.30 AM: Session
Managed Security Services
Vishak Raman, Sr. Regional Director, Fortinet

10.30AM - 11.00AM: Tea Break
A chance to meet up with your friends and have a cup of coffee on the house!

TRACK A: System & Network Security

11.00AM - 11.40AM: Session 1
Advanced Persistent Threat
Defence networks are less susceptible to normal exploits than commercial networks, for various reasons, but the cost of an attack can be very high. A particular threat to high-value networks is APT, and it is the purpose of this lecture to explore the details of ATP and their impact on National Security and Defence
Arif Shouqi, Solutions Architect, Asia and Pacific Region, Cisco

11.40AM - 12.20PM: Session 2
Reverse Malware Engineering
Sony Anthony, Associate Director - Management Consulting, KPMG

12.20PM - 01.00PM: Session 3
Insider Threat – Convergence of User Entitlements with Data Security
Vijay Mirji, Vice President and Head Information Security, Mphasis

01.00PM - 02.00PM: Lunch
Break for lunch and a chance to catch up with each other!

2.00PM - 2.40PM: Session 4
The Changing Face of Endpoint Security
Endpoint security was a strategy where software is distributed to end-user devices but centrally managed - virus and spy ware detection, full disk encryption, remote access VPN. As more of our networks become endpoint devices, managing the network is now managing the endpoint. Access Control, Identity Management, Hygiene, and Intrusion Detection are now part of a more comprehensive endpoint security strategy. This session will examine real life examples of expanded, rethought endpoint security.
Santhosh Srinivasan, Director - Shared Services, HCL (Infrastructure Services Division)

02.40PM - 03.20PM: Session 5
Enterprise security based on Trusted Computing
Majority of IT security incidents occur due to reasons like weak authentication, no data protection and compromised systems. Security level provided by a software-only solution is lower than a combined HW and SW implementation. Hardware based security solutions enable more secure computing environments through different applications for a range of industries without compromising functional integrity, privacy, or individual rights. Trusted Computing is one such paradigm which allows implementation of a security model based on hardware and customized software to protect enterprise assets. This talk focuses on Trusted Computing solutions for clients, servers, storage and networks.
Dhiwakar Viswanathan, Head of chipcard and security R&D, Infineon

03.20PM - 03.50PM: Afternoon Break
Some time out for you to grab another coffee and a well earned rest.

03.50PM - 04.30PM: Session 6
Under The Hood Testing – Code Reviews
Harshvardhan Parmar, GCIH-Project Manager, Paladion Networks
