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MBA Colleges > University of Kansas - USA
University of Kansas - USA

University of Kansas - USA

Welcome to University of Kansas - USA

About University of Kansas

The University of Kansas is a major public research and teaching institution that operates through a diverse, multi campus system. University of Kansas's many parts are bound together by a mission to serve as a "center for learning, research, scholarship and creative endeavor" in the state of Kansas, the nation and the world.

"When the University of Kansas opened on September 12, 1866, the only things it had in common with an actual university were a name, a charter, and a large measure of faculty factionalism."

Why University of Kansas?

Because University of Kansas offers prestigious academics, a supportive atmosphere, winning athletics, and fierce school spirit.

Because a University of Kansas education is an exceptional value.

Because you want to live in one of America's best college towns—Lawrence, Kansas—celebrated for its music and arts scene.

Because you know University of Kansas is a great place to be. And you want to be a part of it.

Schools and Colleges in University of Kansas

School of Business:At the University of Kansas School of Business, we go to great lengths to provide our students with exciting educational experiences. These experiences captivate our students' imaginations and energize our curriculum. It's an approach that merges hands-on experience with education. The knowledge that students gain at the University of Kansas School of Business will provide for a lifetime of benefits.

School of Engineering: Innovative research. State-of-the-art facilities. Talented and dedicated faculty.Distinguished alumni. All part of the fabric that makes the University of Kansas School of Engineering experience one of the best a student will have anywhere in the nation, while building the foundation for a successful career. Jayhawk Engineering is a bridge to the future, pioneering new technologies and developing solutions to the problems facing the world.

Aerospace Engineering
Chemical & Petroleum Engineering
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Engineering Physics
Engineering Management
Mechanical Engineering
Bio engineering
Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering

School of Medicine: Welcome to the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center. If you have accessed this site you obviously have an interest in anesthesiology and possibly have questions concerning the specialty in general or our department specifically. This website has been designed to answer some general questions about a career choice in anesthesiology and to give you an overview of our department. Our department is committed to providing the highest quality training for residents so that they may go out and have a long, productive career as physician consultants in anesthesiology.

School of Nursing: The University of Kansas (KU) School of Nursing (SoN) Clinical Research Management Track within the Master of Science in Nursing Program is a certificate  program designed to prepare clinical research professional with competencies and skills related to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards and research related to conducting clinical trials, institutional Review Boards and Regulations, and Ethical issues.