shopVox: An ERP System Tailored for Custom Manufacturers

Change is the only constant in the custom manufacturing industry. Unlike other manufacturers that can schedule and forecast their processes and materials, the custom manufacturers require additional fine-tuning at every production run. They have to keep custom pricing, custom workflows, and procurement and utilization of project-specific materials in mind to obtain the desired outcomes. Nonetheless, manufacturers also need to establish real-time collaboration between the sales representatives, CAD designers, project managers, and all the other teams involved in the project to help them stay updated with any changes in the project requirement from the manufacturers as well as the client side. To that end, many custom manufacturers implement enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage their projects and improve collaboration between teams. However, the traditional ERP systems are designed for the manufacturing units that have series production and assembly lines, rendering them inadequate to handle the highly dynamic custom manufacturing environment. The custom manufacturers need a system with the flexibility to adapt to any dynamic changes while offering enhanced coordination between product development, estimation, production planning, and sales. Enter, shopVox with a niche SaaS-based ERP system to accomplish the needs of custom manufacturers, including industries such as Signage, Screen Printing & Embroidery, Awards & Engraving, and Digital Printing. The ERP system of the company offers intuitive and comprehensive services to help custom manufacturers manage their clients, vendors, equipment, inventory, and employees.

Established in 2009 as signVox by two seasoned professionals from Silicon Valley, Ravi Duvvuri, and Rao Meka, the company has rechristened to shopVox. With extensive experience in the implementation of manufacturing software, both the founders have helped the company climb the ladders of success and emerge as one of the largest SaaS-based ERP platforms for custom manufacturers. A sports enthusiast and a cinephile, Meka states, "Our ERP platform is tailor-made for custom manufacturers that help them efficiently customize pricing, workflow, and manage collaboration between different teams and processes." Additionally, while most of the other ERP systems are expensive and takes months for implementation, the shopVox ERP system gets up and running within weeks without burning a hole in the clients’ pockets.

Our ERP platform is tailor-made for custom manufacturers that help them efficiently customize pricing, workflow, and manage collaboration between different teams and processes

At ShopVox, custom manufacturers can efficiently manage and customize their sales pipeline, which is one of the foremost and crucial aspects for the success of their business. A Sales Pipeline also allows them to monitor sales prospects and predict their sales. shopVox offers tools such as Notes, Assets, or Tasks that allow the clients to capture, track, and follow up on the sales leads to close more deals faster. Besides, shopVox also enables them to automatically sync their sales leads from their website onto the shopVox platform.

Subsequently, shopVox helps to create a customized quote using the notes from the sales lead for the approval of the clients. Meka informs, “Pricing for custom products is the trickiest as it involves taking several factors into account such as prices of raw material, charges for equipment, labor, production rate, and others.” ShopVox offers its consulting services to help its client quote one of the most competitive pricing for the products. Not only this, but the company also has a prebuilt pricing engine, which it has developed leveraging its extensive experience in the graphics and signage industry, allowing clients to price their products according to their choice within seconds.

Once the clients approve the quote and the sale is closed, an order is created that is converted into projects and jobs by the shopVox platform. Thereupon, the platform has a workflow template, which can be customized based on the requirement of the specific project. For each job, the ShopVox platform creates templates that have three stages—pre-production, production, and post-production. Through these templates, the clients can check for the available equipment and employees and assign them the tasks as well as add any specific note, helping them stay on top of the deadline for the project.
Also, the platform has a job board that keeps track of all the active jobs, eliminating the need for paper-based printing of work orders. Apart from this, the shopVox platform also has online proofing, which allows clients to approve files and designs online and get notified about any changes or approvals. More importantly, the cloud-based platform enables all the teams to stay updated with the status of production. Any change in the job is updated on the platform to mitigate any scope of confusion, enhancing collaboration to a great extent. After completion of the production run, the platform creates shipment for delivery and generates an invoice that is sent to the client for payment. Finally, shopVox also enables the clients to sync the payment data with their accounting system.

Several custom manufacturers have leveraged the shopVox ERP platform for best-in-class business management. Meka shares the customer success story of a New York-based custom manufacturing company that has more than 8000 employees. The manufacturer that operates from multiple countries like India, Mexico, and others to meet its different requirements, needed an ERP system for efficient business management. shopVox implemented its ERP system at all these locations to help improve workflow management and collaboration across all the different teams and locations.

When shopVox started, there were no online tools for custom manufacturers. With its sheer dedication, impeccable service, and excellent client engagement, shopVox has expanded its footprint across 26 countries with its SaaS-ERP platform available in 6 different languages. The company sells each of its tools online and has effectively helped the sign and graphics industry do away with spreadsheets and whiteboards. Last year, shopVox also introduced its mobile app on both iOS and Android to improve remote accessibility and collaboration across the manufacturing units. With immense success and widespread recognition in the sign and graphics industry, the company plans to venture into other manufacturing verticals and allow more companies to leverage the benefits of its ERP system.