Reframe: A Comprehensive Alcohol Reduction Platform

Vedant Pradeep, CEO

Alcohol maintains a ubiquitous presence throughout our society. Unfortunately for millions, our current alcohol-centric culture makes it incredibly challenging for those who’d like to cut back on drinking to improve their physical health, show up more fully in relationships, and take control of their mental well-being. Peer pressure and unhealthy drinking norms further compound the issue. Given these circumstances, quitting or cutting back on alcohol use is often challenging, especially without the proper foundations in place.

Traditional recovery centers fall short in providing long-lasting and individualized support. Not only are they heavily stigmatized, but they leave out an important group: gray area drinkers. Individuals in the “gray area” don’t meet the criteria for an alcohol use disorder (AUD), but they still struggle with drinking too much and have noticed the negative impacts of alcohol in their lives. Many of them feel unsure about where to go for help. This is where Reframe comes in.

Reframe is a neuroscience-based alcohol habit change platform that helps individuals sustainably reduce (or end) their alcohol consumption. It includes daily activities, tools for tracking and monitoring progress, and a supportive community of fellow Reframers.
The in-app activities draw upon research in neuroscience and psychology to show users that alcohol misuse is a coping strategy rather than a root problem. In line with this, Reframe’s program starts by identifying why the user drinks and guides them in understanding the specific feelings they’re trying to mask with alcohol.

Reframe also helps users develop coping strategies to solve these problems and gives them tools that allow them to manage cravings and track their drinking habits.

“Each individual seeking help has unique needs and challenges. Our personalized programs are designed based on their specific drinking habits and reasons for wanting to cut back or quit,” says Vedant Pradeep, CEO of Reframe. “Our team closely assesses user feedback and data to curate activities that are empowering—not overwhelming—and that can be completed in just 10 to 15 minutes daily.”

Reframe is committed to providing insights, support, and encouragement to those seeking to break free from an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. One of its most memorable success stories is of a user who had tried many recovery methods, including traditional recovery centers and Alcoholics Anonymous, to quit alcohol. None of these systems resonated with his unique needs since they followed a methodology of limits and restrictions.

Reframe curated a personalized program that helped him abstain from alcohol and, through the process, step into the best version of himself. It didn’t just save the user from the dangers of alcohol misuse. It also saved his life and his family.
“We strictly adhere to scientific methods and ensure users are on the right track by continuously tracking their progress,” says Pradeep. “Our goal is not just to assist people in quitting or reducing their alcohol consumption, but to teach them how to handle stress, cope with challenging emotions, and build healthy habits that improve their quality of life and reduce the risk of returning to maladaptive behaviors.”

Our goal is not just to assist people in quitting or reducing their alcohol consumption, but to teach them how to handle stress, cope with challenging emotions, and build healthy habits that improve their quality of life and reduce the risk of returning to maladaptive behaviors

Over the years, Reframe has helped more than two million people navigate their drinking habits. As the most comprehensive alcohol reduction platform, it creates a supportive and non-judgmental environment that empowers individuals to make lasting changes. Besides its customized programs, Reframe is on a journey to eliminate the stigma around seeking help for alcohol misuse, making it easier for people to reach out and get the compassionate support they need.