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December-2004  issue
Cover Story
Author: Karthik Sundaram
Peter F. Drucker, winner of the Presidential medal of freedom, management guru, and founder of the Leader to Leader institute, said, “Leaders grow; they are not made.” And with growth comes the ability for a person to be more... more>>
Feature: Si 100
si Intelligence Bureau
So how have the siliconindians fared this year? Check out the 2004 edition of the si100 top 100 companies to see who's in from... more>>
Pravir Malik
We have stated that there is a system-fractal behind market and system dynamics which if tapped into will place a higher market... more>>
Harish Revanna
“Classroom education is for kids,” says Gerard Rego, CTO of Liqwidkrystal, a developer of learning enhancing products and... more>>
Sridhar Vedala and Nick Rossiter
The top four Indian IT outsourcing firms are now taking in around 5,000 new hires in India each quarter, even as the industry... more>>
Venkat Ramana
Seth Godin, purple cow padre, ranks “niche” top on his list of sensible marketing. Nay, he even gives it the honor spot... more>>
In My Opinion
Kris Canekaratne
In the May 2003 edition of the Harvard Business Review, author Nicholas Carr introduced a controversial hypothesis that... more>>
Karthik Sundaram
IT helps the global steel giant reduce costs at all points. By Karthik Sundaramsubi bhandari came on board as inco’s cio... more>>
Harish Revanna
IP Unity has announced the opening of its new software and solutions development centre in Bangalore, India. The focus of the... more>>
VC Chakra
si Team
Xoomsys is developing a distributed processing solution for accurate large-scale circuit simulation. For this 2003 established... more>>
si Team
In June this year, Waltham, MA-based Bluespec introduced a revolutionary EDA toolset that creates a new level of abstraction... more>>
In Focus
si Team
As a sequel to the era of IT outsourcing are other eras of animation and car designing. Although initial work offshored to... more>>
si Team
Vinod Khosla has a formidable reputation in the venture world. However, microfinance is a long way from the world of venture... more>>
Last Word
S. Surya
Today, this verse appropriately describes nascent patriotic passions as more skilled, overseas educated, well-paid non-resident... more>>