
How Can Social Enterprises Impact The BoP Segment

Vishal Mehta
Vishal Mehta
Co-Founder and Partner, 
Lok Capital

a) Quality
b) Accessibility, and
c) Affordability

We feel technology for impact businesses is as important for any other business, but becomes significantly more relevant from the accessibility and affordability aspect. How can we utilize technology for better reach and penetration (accessibility), and in a cost effective manner (affordability).

Having said that, right technology and application development will always need the right, minimum scale, which is the other struggle for most impact businesses. So within the life cycle of Services Company the time to invest in technology becomes important. In our experience, technology for most of these BoP services companies is always an enabler and not the key value proposition in itself. So the core product/service is the key and only then technology can further help establish its reach and delivery. Sometime people put too much focus on technology and too soon.

We have carefully selected sectors where the "demand" for the services is well established and proven. Therefore, in theory, impact and financially viability can co-exist. Achieving both, social impact and financial viability is key to proving Lok's social VC model.

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1: good
Posted by:vikas - 12 Jul, 2012

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