
Should We Be Floored By Bangalored?

Suresh Sundaram
Suresh Sundaram
Activate Enterprise Technology

Alright! We have no fear. Should we be floored by these cliché's? Heck, No. Again, we need to understand we have taken the right steps in the last decade. That is not just in IT but also in Retail, Mobility etc. Let's not become complacent. We have accomplished a lot to be where we are now. I remember when I was in the first few batches that were outsourced to Canada and U.S. from Wipro in the 1990s. When I was outsourced, I was elated and ecstatic. But the elation did not last for long. It was the feeling, that whatever I do, the credit goes to the Oracle's and the Apple's of the world. As an American Indian I am happy that both my countries have become rich because of IT Services and Software development, But, I believe there is a disparity! When it comes to Intellectual Property especially in Software, India is lagging and has a lot of catching up to do. That’s where I hope our Indian entrepreneurs sitting in Bangalore or Hyderabad or Chennai or Gurgaon will become serious and give their Western counterparts a run for their money.

At our company, Activate, we spent the last 2-3 years in building innovative products and technology be it real time equipment monitoring and repairing devices or in automating warehouses for online stores. We have pushed the envelope to ensure we are recognized not just for our honest and hard work but for our capability to build intellectual property. When we sell our own Intellectual Property, I and my team are not just visualizing the Moon; we are just there on the Moon like the Aquarius Water Bearer.
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Reader's comments(1)
1: After all this time here's someone speaking the absolute Truth, calling spade a spade ! Thanks Mr.Sundaram for this timely article.
Posted by:SEO InternetMarketing SuranjanGhosh - 17 Apr, 2012

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