
How Entrepreneurs Become Visionary Leaders

Naveen Jain
Naveen Jain

"Great entrepreneurs focus intensely on an opportunity where others see nothing. This focus and intensity helps to eliminate wasted effort and distractions. Most companies die from indigestion rather than starvation, i.e., companies suffer from doing too many things at the same time rather than doing too few things very well."

It is important for us to realize in which sector the exponential potential lies which in result helps us to recognize the incoming technologies from all over the world. For example, genetics, studies conducted on intelligence, neuroscience and, helps us in applying the science in various other platforms including education which is of utmost importance. The authorities and the parents need to alter the pattern and ways we educate our children. This would bring positive changes in our society. Similarly, in healthcare sector we need a technology or software that can diagnose the disease better and faster than the technologies that are being used now. Moon Express, is currently working on a mission that is set to bring Helium-3 and Platinum and other important elements from the moon back to the earth. We need to build stronger infrastructure to experience great progress in our country. We need to create a mindset of solving the problem. We need to be fearless in whatever we do in order to see some positive changes. Using new methods for education would help us in a great extent. Coming with a peculiar way of changing the education platform is the best possible solution. The ecosystem needs to be strongly connected in which we witness hundreds of entrepreneurs helping each other experiencing a positive change in our society.

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Reader's comments(2)
1: Hi,

It's nice to Read. We have already started the Association (VIA, Many people expect everything instant w/o their own hard work, anyway its a part and parcle. we do it as a charity.
Posted by:Pan guddimath - 24 Apr, 2012
2: Based on the experiences of a multitude of successful individuals and teams from around the globe, Namaste World Ltd clients are each unique and often share an adventurous spirit, an interest in sport, travel, self-fulfilment, helping others, success in business or politics, or simply a desire to be better at what they do. Namaste helps people achieve their personal and professional dreams and aspirations. Chris Charlton, Founder

www.namaste.co.uk chris.charlton@namaste.co.uk

Posted by:Chris Charlton - 23 Mar, 2012

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