Top 10 Trending IT Topics To Be Aware Of

BANGALORE: The Information technology is booming at a neck breaking pace. The drastic transition from one technology to the next demands the market leaders to be updated with the latest. Cloud, Big Data and Internet of Things have greatly revolutionized our modern lives thereby providing a cutting edge of technical solutions. Not upgrading oneself with the latest techniques can be the easiest way for going backwards and losing the game. Understanding the need of the hour, we have listed down the top IT trends that one cannot afford to miss, with inputs from techrepublic.

Software-as-a-service: One of the latest trends in the IT industry is software-as-a-service. The technology hosts software on a central cloud which can be accessed by other clients via web browsers. SaaS model potentially cuts down the cost involved in IT support by outsourcing the maintenance and support to the SaaS providers. The service is used as a common delivery model for business applications like virtualization, customer relationship management, DBMS software, Development software and many more.

Cloud: Cloud services have already transformed the way IT used to work. Cloud uses a network of remote servers hosted on  internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. Computer resources such as storage and processor are being shared in this model.
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