Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Angel Investors

By siliconindia   |    2 Comments
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Business Plan Should Be In Place

Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Angel Investors, business plan should be in placeYou can bootstrap your startup with funds from your family and friends with just an idea and no business plan. But Angel investors are far different from your close one. They need a complete business plan  that is real and achievable. Investors know that a business started without a business plan usually shuts down half way. So, before approaching them, it is advisable for the startups to prepare a good business plan, an exit strategy and term sheet for the first interaction. If the investor rejects the entrepreneur, he can ask for the reasons to it and tweak the plan accordingly to approach for the next time. Every time one approaches the same investor, the Angels are eager to see the changes and the current market strategies in the plan.