Take a Bite of These Unbelievably Expensive Foods!


# Cavier priced at 2,75,000 per Kilogram in United States

To call Caviar a luxury food is an understatement. In the United States 1 kilograms of Almasa Caviar sells for nearly 3,00,000.  It is in fact a ridiculously expensive luxury food! Caviar consists of processed, salted, non-fertilized roe which is actually ripe egg masses obtained from fish. This Caviar comes from Beluga Sturgeon which is native to Caspian Sea. It comes from a fish which is actually over 100 years old and this fish has remained the same for the past 120 million years. In other words one of the most expensive foods in the world comes from a creature which lived when the Dinosaurs roamed the Earth!

The caviar consists of pea-sized, gray eggs. The lighter the colour of the caviar the more expensive it is.  Once you eat its texture is described as rich and silky. Moreover, this caviar comes in a fancy gold plated tin.  But sadly Caviar cannot be stored, it gets spoil. So the moment you buy it you eat it!

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