Steve Jobs ----The 'Force' beyond an Individual

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All reasonable men adapt themselves to the world. Only a few unreasonable ones persist in trying to adapt the world to themselves. All progress in the world depends on these unreasonable men and their innovation and often non-conformist actions. -Dr A P J Abdul Kalam in the "Wings of Fire" after being inspired by a book by George Bernard Shaw As the world mourns the death of Steve Jobs these lines from Dr Kalam's book, to my mind, probably explains in a single sentence what Steve Jobs meant to the world. For me it is not the products that Apple made or the innovation that he introduced to the world of movies or computers that measure the success of Steve jobs. Here was a person who could "dream" anything no matter how fantastic and get the world to adapt to his dreams rather than the other way around. This piece of mine is an attempt to look at Steve Jobs not as a businessperson/visionary leader but to look at him as a "force" or "thought" which represents the essence of human evolution. One only has to look at the adaptations that nature has forced on its "creatures" to understand the partiality that nature has towards "change". It constantly forces people who "wish" to survive to "move" as it moves itself every second (rotation and revolution). These movements are infinitely small as nature prides its creation and doesn't like sudden movements as that can upset its balance that is the very force that binds it together. However, it always "needs" a strong force at certain intervals that can give it a new direction (popularly called turning points). History is witness to these "forces" with the first few probably being the ones who introduced agriculture, the wheel and fire as it was these people who firmly established the supremacy of the human race something which is now unchallenged for over 2000 years. Before I get misunderstood let me clarify that this piece of mine is in no way trying to compare these 3 inventions (or any other which were made later) to what Apple came up with. I feel that comparisons on that front can only be done 100 years from now as the real "turning points" in historical evolution can be only understood when looked at through the "100 year lens"! My point is that at each moment of time there exists certain people who have the courage and imagination to challenge what is "accepted" as the norm at that point and these people are the "force" which makes our race move forward. This force goes beyond what they individually manage to create as it creates a "thought" which inspires many more to act "unreasonably" and make a tomorrow which will be better than today. For me Steve Jobs was that force and his biggest contribution will not be the "products" that were produced from his stables but the thought that he left us all with. Thoughts of people like him are what makes our world move and I am sure that as he left us, for an abode, which no living person is aware of; even nature was silently paying tribute. I never met Steve Jobs but I still "experienced" him and I am ever grateful that we shared some years on the same planet. Let me end with another line from Dr Kalam's book "Wings of Fire" which will accurately sum up the impact that forces like Steve Jobs have on us. Once your mind stretches to a new level it never goes back to its original dimension. Thanks Steve for making our minds stretch to a "new level". We have never been the same people again post that. An "ever grateful" fan, Gautam Sinha. The author is the Founder of MyFirstCheque.