Shockingly Expensive Foods Across the World

4. Diva Vodka

Price: Ranges Between 3.000 to 5 Crores

The most expensive Vodka that could you share with your friends would be the Diva Vodka that is produced by the Blackwood Distillery in Scotland. Well it does also fall in the affordable category depending on the choice of your “crystal decorations”. The lowest bottle comes for 3,000.

Diva Vodka is a wheat based vodka which is triple distilled and it is filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and then to give it the exclusive touch it is also filtered through gems like diamonds, emerald and rubies. If that wasn’t enough, the bottle has a glass tube with crystals that are used as garnish along with the drink. 

If you thought that was all, you are wrong. The bottle can be customized with the individual’s favorite coloured crystals. So the next time you are feeling super rich and want to have a customized Vodka bottle you know where to go!