Most Famous Business Feuds

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Coke vs. Pepsi
Famous Business Feuds
Coca-Cola was introduced in 1886, and became an instant success; while, Pepsi was created 12 years after Coke, and has since then been a main rival for Coke. Both offered products that looked and tasted the same. However, both kept rejuvenating the market through product modifications, pricing, promotions and distribution tactics. For the next 50 years, Coke dominated the cola market, but Pepsi managed to stay close behind. In the 1970s, Pepsi conducted 'blind taste tests' in stores which was called the "Pepsi challenge". The results suggested that more consumers preferred the taste of Pepsi than Coke. Coke responded by conducting its own taste tests, but the test backfired, as this result also showed that people preferred the taste of Pepsi to that of Coke. After years of brutally competitive ads, Coke decided to reformulate its 100-year old cola, naming the product as "New Coke". It turned out that people hated the taste even more, thereby Coke went back to their original formula, calling it "Classic". With billions of advertising dollars from both sides spent on the competition, Pepsi's market capitalization surpassed Coke's for the first time in 2006, nearly 108 years after the rivalry first began.