How to pick a CEO for your Startup?

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Fremont: An ideal VC investment opportunity occurs when a great business has a great idea along with a great team. But for both of them, the leadership of a strong chief executive is essential for success in the marketplace because with a good CEO, a company flies and with a poor one, it disappears. Big corporate houses have a lot to pay and hire a brilliant CEO, but what can a startup do who have funds on their nerves? The following points may help you to find answer to this question and find a good CEO. Define the Job
How to pick a CEO for your Startup?
You cannot randomly start looking for a CEO without defining the proper purpose for which you need him. Before starting to search for a CEO, prepare a template to match the need by defining the job which is the first and the most important step towards hiring a CEO. The template should contain the specific skill sets that you foresee in your CEO. Also, it is important to identify business objectives to be met by the CEO over the next few years as startups have a high rate of change towards hiring people, product development and introduction to the market. So, is the guy you are looking to as your perspective CEO have the capability to handle the pressure that the company is going to face in the first few months when maximum of the problems occur?

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