Hot New Business Ideas For Startups

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Fremont: The effect of recession in the U.S. and other European countries are being left in India too. The FDI has become a crucial matter of concern for the Indian Government. Such situation worldwide has surely brought a gear down for the upcoming entrepreneurs to start a business, but have not demoralized the enthusiasm to start one. Here we bring to you five such sectors that are going to be hot for new business ideas for starting business.


hot startup ideas, customizationThe statement by Henry Ford, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black”, has become an outdated statement. Several automobile companies like Ferrari, Rolls-Royce and several others provide an option for their customers to customize their products according their need. Customers now prefer more customized product not only in terms of automobiles, but also in terms of several other products like garments, shoes, accessories and others. According to a study done my Mashable, more than 35 percent of U.S. online consumers are already interested in customizing product features or in purchasing build-to-order products that use their specs. The customers are even willing to spend at least 25 percent more to get products that are build specifically for their needs, specifies another study by The NPD Group.


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