Five Hollywood Movies that Entrepreneurs must Watch

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Jerry Maguire
Five Hollywood Movies that Entrepreneurs must Watch
This 1996 romantic comedy drama directed by Cameron Crowe follows a sports agent, Jerry Maguire, who works for a big shot sports management agency, who will adopt any means and will go to any extent to score huge contracts for his clients. An agent who is fascinated by the big money that comes as commission and not much about his clients' well being. Tom Cruise enacts Jerry Maguire in what can be considered as his career best performance. As the movie develops he grows a much more honest approach, realizing the first priority should be given to his clients and not the money. Due to this, both his personal and professional life takes a beating but soon he gets back to the wave and he does so by deploying an honest way and concentrating on one client. The movie highlights the importance of honesty and personal relationship.