Facebook Apps for Business

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Fremont: No one is ignorant about the importance of social networking in his or her business growth. According to a recent report by Nielson, an average user spends more than 7fours and 45 minutes every month on Facebook uploading images, playing games, wondering through endless status updates and leaving comments. This shows the potential that Facebook holds. And being an entrepreneur, instead of spending your time in playing and updating your profiles, you can use the time for your business growth. There are more than 550,000 active applications on the Facebook platform among which many are designed especially for business practices or better integration of Facebook into a company's operations. Among these, many apps are free. In respect to business, there are apps for specific verticals and jobs such as real estate, education, entertainment industry, web design, and marketing. Twitter App
Facebook Apps for Business
If you have an active presence in Twitter, then this app will help you to add Twitter to Facebook and will allow you to make these comments, links and resources available to Facebook Fans. The app will automatically pull your tweets into your Facebook status and put a tweeter theme box on your profile. It also saves your time in updating and ensures profile activity to keep you relevant.

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